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Receive Email on Phone, Tablet or Desktop App

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How to Receive Webmail Emails on Mobile Phones, Tablet or Desktop App.

SSL/TLS Settings

SSL/TLS is the recommended way and generally considered secure. 
This is an Android example to add email on phone.

  1. Download Outlook
  2. Click on the on the accounts tab usually located right on the top left corner of the Screen. It will open up the accounts page where you will find an option to add an email account.
Email Accounts
Click the envelop with the add +mail icon to add a new email account.
Choose IMAP.
email address
Enter the email address you want to access. For example, if the email is Enter it as it is.
Incoming mail
On this screen enter the details as follows
Host Name: (replace with your actual domain)
IMAP Port: 993(Enter port number if needed)
Username: (replace with your actual domain)
Password: —————– (Enter the password of the email you want to access)
On this screen enter the details as follows:
Host Name: (replace with your actual domain name)
SMTP Port: 465(Enter port number if needed)
Username: (replace with your actual domain name)
Password: —————– (Enter the password of the email you want to access)

When you have entered all the details click the tick usually at the top right side of your screen to enter your details. If successful your emails should load up and you are done. You can now access your email on your phone. For more “how to” articles you can visit our Knowledge base front page.

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